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Old 09-01-2010, 02:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 10

The Putter - '00 VW Golf
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New guy here driving a VW TDI

I re-found this forum while doing a google search. Aparently I found it some time ago, registered, then forgot that I registered.

I have a VW Golf TDI that I usually get 47mpg. I drive it fairly conservatively & sometimes will use hypermileing techniques. I used to own a Camry Hybrid and hypermiled that car everywhere I went which was very taxing and stressful trying to get 44 mpg out of it.

I'm interested in seeing if I can get 55mpg or more out of the Golf. I put 1100 mile trips on my car 2 or 3 times a month...all interstate. It is a long drive, 550 miles one way at 70 mph is almost 8 hours. Then I return home the next day with another 8 hour drive. I don't mind slowing down, but at 65mph it would take me 8.5 hours.

Anyway, I look forward to exploring the site.

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