For the most part, people drive pretty good here. There is one thing that annoys me, at a stop sign, the country folk seem to believe that the first person at the stop sign gets to go first, and this includes when one of them is turning left. The law says the person turning left must yield. But often the other drivers will wait and wait to let you go first, even if you are turning left in front of them. This is annoying when I am turning left, I know that if there is an accident it will be my fault.
I'm seeing more of this than ever in my area. We have lots of immigrants here (many are unlicensed) and many of them are clueless about right of way. About 10 years ago this state was liberally issuing drivers licenses with very low requirements for driver's education. The result is a multitude of unskilled and uneducated drivers.
True, at stop sign intersections the first person to stop gets to go first, but between others not signaling their intent to turn and not knowing who has right of way it's aggravating. People think they are being 'polite', but their uncertainty can be hazardous.
Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
If you want to see every bad driving habit, just come to eastern Virginia.
I once knew someone from western Virginia who said that drivers in her town had a habit of stopping at
green lights. (I'm glad I don't live there!
