Originally Posted by robchalmers
don't sit too close tot he pedals, make sure you can safely depress the brakes but have the seat far enought back that you have to consciouly pivot you ankle to acclerate rather have the weight of your foot adn leg reating on the noisy pedal.
Agreed. I sit pretty far back and usually will kick off my shoes to drive barefooted. This allows me to minutely adjust the throttle with very slight pressure from my big toe. The roads are mostly flat in coastal Alabama so I try to keep an even throttle.
On my 550 mile interstate commute I will use cruise control since it is a flat run down the Florida coastline on I-10 & I-75. There are some gentle hills on the I-10 part where I see better mpgs than on the flats. I attribute this to the engine being more efficient under a heavier load going up the hills and basically coasting on the downside. I've noticed this to be true in the tdi, my wife's Mustang and also my diesel Excursion. We did a trip up to TN this summer in the Excursion by way of Mobile, AL to Tampa through S.C. then went over the N.C. - TN mountains. I made it a point to fill up at each of the different terrain breaks on the trip to get the mpg for that leg. I was surprised to see that I got the best mpgs going over the mountian and then repeated that mpg going back over the mtn on the way home. I guess it was kinda like a HUGE pulse and glide.