Originally Posted by dcb
On diesels the air is not throttled, thus the air fuel ratio is all over the place, usually very lean, so you cannot expect consistent results.
Bummer. I had hoped the ScanGauge would give a more consistent result than the OBC.
I'll see how it performs after a few more calibrations.
Overall average and total fuel use wasn't very far off the mark on the last (3rd) fill-up.
I would expect that subtracting .2 l/100km from the OBC in your head would be the way to go for accuracy.
I'll have to work my way through 150-some fuelings and see what the average deviation really is.
the on board computer should have a very good idea how much fuel it is injecting, or at least be off by a consistent amount.
So I would expect, but it isn't.
10+ % deviation is enormous when you're trying to hypermile.
You think you're doing really great ... until you hit the fueling station