Here's the latest drawing of the CarBŒN Concept EV Mk 2.7 -- notice the rear seats are mirrored from the previous layout, so that more weight is away from the rougher edge of the road...
Here's an overlay of the CarBŒN Mk 2.6 with the (flipped) side view of the Mercedes Bionic/Boxfish model. The front wheels are aligned, and scale of the B/B model is just by eye to match the overall size:
The differences are that the front of the B/B is shorter, and the front wheels are closer to the front. The arch of the roof on the B/B is slightly farther back, and it's wheelbase is slightly longer.
The windshield on the B/B is steeper than the CarBŒN, as well. Look how closely the undersides line up! The departure angles are very close, as well (save that "flip" on the back of the B/B).
The results of this will be CarBŒN Mk 3.