Last I checked, Michigan is 2nd in car-deer collisions only to West Virginia. And just about everybody I know has totaled a vehicle with a deer at least once. It's like a way of life here. But driving like a bat outta hell also seems like a way of life.
In a way I consider myself lucky I've only bumped one very slow and it was enough to knock out the filament in my turn signal bulb. But on the other hand, by driving slower and for conditions, I've lost track of all the deer I would have smashed had I been overdriving my headlights and wouldn't have had the time to react by the time it ran in front of me. I drive a lot of miles and most of them are in the dark. I also feel like I'm the slowest one on the road every day even when I'm going the speed limit.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver