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Old 09-09-2010, 10:31 PM   #18 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 2

Civic VX - 94 - '94 Honda Civic VX
Last 3: 44.53 mpg (US)

Jetta TDI Sportwagon 1 - '10 Volkswagon Jetta TDI
90 day: 39.39 mpg (US)
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Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

Please post the conditions during your measured interval(s) to include type of driving (% Highway, % City), approximate AVG MPH during the tank, grade (hills or flat), and any unconventional driving or extreme hypermiling techniques used.

I personally think one of the most important things missing in the qualifications process for the top mileage list is the conditional aspect - to include the driving conditions.

I believe to establish/maintain the integrity of this site, the moderators should scrub the list and qualify any entries claiming efficiencies in access of 20% over EPA ratings. Special conditions should be used to evaluate the validity and to classify claims. Entries that are generated through experimental or unconventional motor vehicle use should be classified as such, and standard motor vehicle operation should be classified accordingly. Modifications should also be clearly listed and evaluated for real-world applicability.

Just for example - I can have my car towed to the top of Pike's Peak and coast down the mountain to produce some great gas mileage numbers - but is that realistic? Obviously not. Additionally, anyone who goes out and causes traffic jams through the use of extreme hypermiling techniques (in order to produce good gas mileage numbers) is also not being genuine either - not to mention the obvious dangers and aggravation caused by that activity.

Qualifying mileage claims is as, if not more important than the claim itself.

There are many more claims on the top mileage list that have zero credibility - I had to scroll for a while before I saw one claim that was believable from a real driving standpoint.

Last edited by slipstreampilot; 09-09-2010 at 10:45 PM..
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