Re: passengers whining about how "late" they are, or how slow you drive (the speed limit???

): I've had that too. Three things helped:
1. Said passengers were chronically late to get going i.e. if the men said we were departing at 5 pm the ladies would diddle around until 6 pm. The cure is to lie about the departure time- we started saying we wanted to leave at 4 if we REALLY wanted to leave at 5.
2. Whining about slow driving- I'd say "I'm driving the limit". End of discussion.
3. Final step was proving the folly of speeding. The math isn't hard. So I mathed out how long our trip took at 65 and 55 mph and said look, does the 7 minutes difference REALLY matter that much to you and if so, why don't we leave 7 minutes earlier?