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Old 09-11-2010, 01:26 PM   #217 (permalink)
2007 ion2
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#44's order of efficiency seems counter intuitive.

I feel instead of:

1) coasting in neutral, engine off (ie. roll to a stop);
2) coasting in neutral, engine idling;
3) regenerative coasting (hybrid vehicles)
4) regenerative braking (hybrid vehicles)
5) coasting in "deceleration fuel cut-off" mode (in gear, above a certain engine RPM)
6) conventional friction braking (non-hybrid or hybrid)

it should be

1) coasting in neutral, engine off (ie. roll to a stop);
2) coasting in "deceleration fuel cut-off" mode (in gear, above a certain engine RPM)
3) regenerative coasting (hybrid vehicles)
4) regenerative braking (hybrid vehicles)
5) coasting in neutral, engine idling
6) conventional friction braking (non-hybrid or hybrid)

fuel cut off is much more efficient than idling, as a matter of fact, the only thing that isn't, is conventional braking. when in fuel cutoff, the engine is essentially off, and most cars are supporting this feature, nowadays. also, how is coasting idling more efficient than regenerative breaking?
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