Originally Posted by taredog
Frank Lee I figured you would respond but was hoping for something about the coyote story.
You are absolutely right about the failure to leave on time thing. Many of us deal with that all the time. I have tried your solution but the others often over ride me.
I do have to say in defense of my passengers that we were late getting back due to an accident in Yellowstone. They did discuss that high speed roads should be built and attractions should be moved closer together. They also discussed why old faithful was not on published schedule. I told them it was because the rangers were doing other things and the summer hires were left in charge. I almost believe they bought that.
As far as speed limits go, this was Montana and 70 on the main road and 60 on the rural road mostly. I just got them distracted by pointing out the bambies.
Math? Don't try to confuse my passengers.
I really enjoy most of your posts. Still got that F150?
Thanks- yup, still have the F150.
Coyote and rider were SUPREMELY lucky!!! As a rider myself, I had a large animal run into the front of my bike after dark once too. My outcome was much different tho'.

The big black dog came ran out in front of me from tall roadside grass; even though I was alert and not impaired I didn't even have time to grab any brakes. It hit the front wheel in such a way as to force it full-lock right, ripping the handlebars right outta my hands. So the bike goes one way down the road and I do a Superman dive into the road in a slightly different tangent at 55 mph. Long story short, it hurt, it was expensive, and I am SO GLAD I had my full-face helmet and leather on!!!