I would agree that the angle came out a bit steep. That is why I said it would be need to braced up before finishing with composite. I was not clear in my recent post that I used 1/4" fan fold material. I set it aside as there is no way the foam would survive even one trip.
I have been noticing a lot of van shaped vehicles which have a similar almost flat wing on the back over the window. Not sure if there is any reason but for style.
The past 2-3 weeks I have been making a concerted effort to reduce my acceleration. I am holding the engine to 15-1600 rpm while accelerating. 1700 is the rpm at 55 mph. I drive this car about 7500-8000miles a year. Probably half is commuting at 55 mph with no traffic lights but 3 stop signs per round 11 mile trip and the other half is open road.
I have made an upper grill enclosure and moved my rear mud guards to in front of the front wheels.
Probably my driving change will attribute most my mpg increase if any.
Originally Posted by cons
I think it might be a bit too steep of an angle. The top photo looks much better. For a kammback, I think you want to shoot for 10-12 degrees. This looks like 30 ish.