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Old 09-14-2010, 12:17 AM   #149 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Ohio
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I have been reading this post and have looked at your blog and would like to help move the project forward. I want to help create the first "rough draft" for the details of the car's construction. I have solidworks software and should be able to put something together fairly easily. I have a short background in vehicle design as well. I was on my schools SAE baja team during college and was the captain for the past three years. I designed, built, tested and broke two full cars during that time and feel I could contribute to this project. To get started could you send me a PM so we can exchange emails and drawings.

I am excited to get to help with carben because like you I too want to build my own vehicle from the ground up and think this would be a great way to gain some experience.

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