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Old 09-14-2010, 12:01 PM   #39 (permalink)
downhill both ways
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Missouri, United States
Posts: 45

Terceleporter - '96 Toyota Tercel STD
90 day: 52.6 mpg (US)
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I always feel badly for drivers of large vehicles that wish to get out of the passing lane, but are unable to do so because of the stream of small vehicles passing them illegally on the outside. Frequently these large vehicles will have their turn signals on for minutes at a time, and no one pays any mind. I see this frequently in both Kansas and Missouri.

In general, however, driving in the US is pretty great. Try driving in Nairobi, Kenya. It's not really a large city, but it was a rare day that I could cross it without seeing a large truck or bus UPSIDE DOWN. No street signs, no working traffic signals, no police cars, enormous pedestrian population, animal herds walking down the street, flash flooding, low grade diesel and high altitude, and at night every single vehicle on the road uses their high beams at all times. And you don't even want to imagine the road surface condition. I find it hard to get upset with my fellow drivers in America after that kind of driving.
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