Originally Posted by redyaris
Before the aero mods I could get as good as 67mpg at 53mph average speed and at 75mph average speed I would get 57mpg. after the aero mode I get 67mpg at 75mph and 71mpg at 63mph. At this stage I do not have a large enough sample size to be confident of my numbers. I am using the trend in my fuel log as my test, so until the number of entries gets to about 30 or so with a strong trend line I won't be sure. By some peoples standard this is not a very good test of aeromods, however my objective is fuel economy so this method works for my perposes.
On your cbr600 I would agree with you that a gearing change would help fuel economy. However you would have to accept a loss of acceleration and top speed in 6th gear. On my GS500F after the aeromods and gearing changes, one of the things I notice is I need less throatle to maintain speed on the highway at 75mph. The other thing I notice is that top gear acceleration is better than before the mods. These are subjective so a grain of salt is in order, until the sample size on my fuel log is large enough, and the average fuel consumption is better.
Your MPG increases sound substantial, and that is all I was wondering.
If there were a way to make only my 6th gear taller then that would be the optimal route. I don't use 6th gear on the track anyhow. It seems it's just too tall to be of any use on the track, and far too short for freeway cruising.