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Old 09-15-2010, 10:27 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by 99LeCouch View Post
I got a set of General snow tires, as my job will take me all over the place in this dirt-poor part of upstate NY. I'm hoping the snows will keep me safe first. Likely I'll take a MPG hit on dry roads. Hopefully in the snow it'll be better than spinning.

Besides inflating the snows to max sidewall, anything else to help with the MPG hit?
For the winter I'd agree with a block heater and unless your in the white stuff keep the tires inflated but not when they are cold once the tires heat up the air will expand. When you do hit the snow and if its heavy decrease your tire presure by 1-2lbs this will effect economy but its allot better to have grip then to have no grip and slide around. I drive in the snow belt in norther ontario trust me the small amout of gas you pay more for is better than sliding into a ditch!.
2 cars one never gets driven the other is an MPG project already at 5% increase in standard driving economy CAI and Pulstar plus. Thinking weight reduction next year.
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