mpg, GPH, volt, fwt (water temp) for me
mpg - obvious
gph - roughly translates with lod and tps and rpm - now that I know it, I can use this instead of all the others
volt - engine off so much, it's critical
water temp - grille block...
Although, these days, I mostly have it on trip mpg. Just keep that ticking up and you're going good. I'd advise you to work on the instant for a while first. But, your newer SG should be able to show instant and average on the gauge screen... that's nice!
I use Pulse & Glide, and try to get my pulses in the 1500-2000 rpm range, with 75%+ load. Then glide, glide, glide. That uses the best BSFC point for the pulse - least fuel for the most power.
11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles