(wow, Euromodder, your link in your sig - they have lots of f650 logs, thanks

bad that I don't see any comments in the entries, especially at the top one who has a 2.84l/100km lifetime average...)
redpoint5 - yes, not a bad range for something you use for "spirited driving in the mountains" - but Teresa is a workhorse too, she's my only vehicle at the moment so I'm riding until the frosts, I commute with her, I go on holidays, I often cross the country 2-up with luggage because we have to see about things there.
OK, I admit it's not typical

but it's an existing exception to the rule

With this use I really appreciate longer range. Some day I'd like to see a similar light tourer with at least this range in electric (I don't like heavy whales, I'm not a big guy either. I prefer bikes under ~200kg - that's 441 lbs to be exact

). Or, if not electric, anything that doesn't run on any fossil fuel.