With a smaller engine I was hoping for the same or less weight then the Cobalt but the Cruze isn't 2,900 lbs, it's 3,100 lbs and it isn't 38+ mpg, it's 36 mpg.
I will fix one thing above and thats the turbo engine gets it's mpg's with an automatic with O/D instead of a manual.
For that I will give it some credit as Chevrolet finaly got away from it's lousy 4 speed auto's and it did put an overdrive in the Cruze.
Though I have heard some people complain about the 6 speeds changing gears more often then needed on the Malibu and I'm hoping that did not transfer over to be a problem with the Cruze as well.
Lifetime mpg
2012 mpg
Last edited by Fr3AkAzOiD; 09-17-2010 at 05:09 PM..