Originally Posted by dcb
I was under the impression that P&G would even apply to automatic transmissions, i.e. when you take your foot off the gas and coast (whether in drive or in neutral). Actually the practice is more like accelerate and coast but it fits under the broader idea of pulse and glide, just not to the same degree.
If that's the case, then we would need a separate term for coasting. Maybe we should scrap the term P&G and substitute differentiating terms of engine-on coasting vs. engine-off coasting.
Personally, I don't see any substantial FE achieved by shutting the engine off for very brief periods. More numerous restarts do shorten starter life, simply from increased use & wear but that doesn't seem to be of concern those whose only criterion is hypermiling, not economy of total $$$ in operating costs. Situations like shutting the engine off at a long red light are the exception; they probably save whatever fuel would have been expended during extended idling. But that strategy does not involve coasting.