The other thing about these microcontrollers is that it can replace hundreds of "logic" ICs and discrete components and can really reduces the parts count dramatically, for reduced hardware costs. I don't see any real benefit to hardwiring the logic in chips when it can be in firmware, for this sort of application anyway.
Parts count is
atmega 328 (perhaps put the lilypad bootloader on it if you don't want to use a crystal or sort out the nitty gritty)
5v regulator
electrolytic capacitor
handful of leds and resistors
and thats it, for a relatively simple led display of vacuum.
FYI, the guino does have available 3 available adc ports and some coding room with a 328. Hardware wise it is trivial to hook up the map signal (or tps), you just hook it up to an available analog port, problem is getting over the software development hump.