Quick Test: P&G with EOC vs w/o EOC shows 24% gain
Yesterday on the way to work my engine kill switch started acting up a bit (its a really cheap switch I'm sure not designed for many cycles). So, I decided to keep the engine on and do P&G. Until then, my tank average was right around 66 mpg measured with my scangauge. I drove home without EOC and got 53.0 mpg last night. This morning I got 53.3 mpg on the way into work. So, for those of you who don't think EOC isn't worth it, thats a solid 24% increase in mileage.
To further emphasis this, I do mostly highway driving where the difference between EOC and w/o EOC is minimized due to the faster driving. Also, I don't run my alternator, if I had, idling losses would have been even higher.
So, yes, EOC is worth it IMO.