While troubleshooting the fuel injection on a minivan I had an injector spraying into a glass jar so I could see the amount of fuel going in while trying to start the engine. Even with the assumed cold engine enrichment, it was an unbelieveably tiny amount of fuel.
With my Maxima, @58mph I'm spinning @ 2000 rpms and getting about 30 instant mpg on level ground with a warm engine. (I've actually seen it a bit higher than that, but it's a round number.)
In one minute I go .967 miles
I use .032 gallons in that time or 120.96 mL
That is 0.0609 milliliters used per rpm, or 0.01015mL per cylinder per rpm.
(I had to go to metric for a usable number--gallons was way too small a number with 6 zeros after the decimal point!)
Or another way to look at it would be it would take 2 minutes 56 seconds for all 6 injectors to fill a 12 ounce soda can.
Considering the very high temperatures of compression prior to ignition PLUS the ambient heat of the engine, I'd say that gas is highly heated by the time the spark plug lights up. And to think a diesel injector uses such a tiny amount of fuel you cannot hardly make out the holes in one with the naked eye! The fuel comes out like a puff of smoke instead of the spray bottle effect of a gas injector.
RIP Maxima 1997-2012
Originally Posted by jamesqf
I think you missed the point I was trying to make, which is that it's not rational to do either speed or fuel economy mods for economic reasons. You do it as a form of recreation, for the fun and for the challenge.