Thread: tuft testing
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Old 09-25-2010, 08:25 AM   #1 (permalink)
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tuft testing

I got out my tuft testing wand for yesterdays commute. My wife drove the mini van. My wand is basically a 5' fiberglass rod with 4-5 yarn tufts taped on the end.

Air flow was straight back on all areas of the hood. There was slight turbulence behind the wipers but 3-4" above them the air was moving well on the windshield. Along the nose at the sides it was once again good all the way to the wheel well opening. Tufts seemed fine above the wheel well even back a ways above it. Like wise the area behind the mirror was very turbulent. Of course the window was down so that I could use the wand. You cant test without introducing change.

I plan on doing some more tuft testing but have already obtained some data. Just goes to show that viewing data and copying from someone else's car is useful.

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Noah Webster, 1787

Last edited by Varn; 09-25-2010 at 08:34 AM..
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