How do you define capacity, though? Weight, volume, or ability to get there?
With the Insight, it's usually me (~200 lbs), dog (~60 lbs), and pack (20-40, maybe), which puts it pretty close to its stated load capacity.
Now the pickup ('88 Toyota 4WD) is a different matter. It only gets close to its weight capacity when I go to cut firewood. It hits volume occasionally - a dozen sheets of foam insulation don't weigh much, but they occupy quite a bit of space. The most frequent use, though, is just getting there. Lots of trailheads (or my friends' ranch in the winter) you just don't get to without a high-clearance 4WD.
So the pickup has lots of excess capacity for the miles on pavement, but not for the last mile or five. Unfortunately, I haven't yet built a transformer car that switches modes when the pavement ends. (But I'm thinking about it: something like a Locost built on a Suzuki Samuri chassis...)
Last edited by jamesqf; 09-25-2010 at 03:14 PM..