HID is to headlights what SUV's are to personal vehicles. "As long as I feel it improves my safety, to hell with everybody else on the road and any adverse effects/reduction to their safety". A selfish, me-first, totally un-Christian approach to the potentially lethal social compact that is called driving on the public roads. Every time you are out of the road, you have power over the life or death of hundreds of strangers based on your driving decisions and these hundreds of strangers have power over whether you live or die based on their driving decisions. Every semi driver you encounter on the highway has the power to snuff out your life with just a twist of his steering wheel.
I wonder how many head-on collisions are caused by HID's blinding the other driver so they can't see the edge of the pavement on their side of the road and ending up with a "moth to the headlight" effect as they unconsciously steer close to the light to avoid of running off the now un-seeable pavement.
Last edited by basjoos; 09-29-2010 at 07:45 AM..