I've always been one that could eeek out better mileage than the EPA, but this car has been a challenge. I'm looking forward to putting a ScanGauge on it so I can fine tune the nut behind the wheel. I'm also aware of some venting/damming issues up front that can be easily remidied so I'm hoping to get it into the 36mpg range at least.
I really wish I hadn't totalled my 1987 Civic CRX HF. I could drive like a complete idiot and manage 45-50mpg and one time managed 65mpg returning from a roadtrip to Vegas.
I just want two or three more years out of the RSX, then I'll buy a proper hypermiler. It has 125k miles on it and if I can get to 180k without spending anything more on it I'll be in great shape for buying whatever I want in 2012-2013. There's so much on the drawing board right now for fuel efficiency, I think waiting should pay off in spades.