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Old 09-30-2010, 10:28 PM   #4 (permalink)
Hydrogen Nut
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Watch for an upcoming firmware upgrade of the Ultragauge that does metric.

Hey, how come we Americans get mph/kph speedometers and you guys don't? Yeah, our government tried to get us to learn metric a couple of decades back but we were too goddam stupid to figgur it out so we just voted the BPublicans back in and they took down all those stupid highway signs. If you guys were smart, you'd junk all that metric system mumbo-jumbo and switch over to English units. Then we wouldn't have this Ultra-Gauge problem.

It starts with the inch, which is the distance from the finger knuckle to the first joint of some little medieval dwarf king of England's hand, and everything else is based on that. Simple. But it'll never happen. You know why? The toolmakers. They want to sell two sets of tools to everybody in America. Just look at a Sears Tool catalog. And we Americans are dumb enough to do it. Do you think we actually use metric tools? Heck no. Most of us would rather use a half-inch socket on a 13mm bolt head, even if we have to pound it on with a hammer. Hey, do you guys have metric hammers? I don't think they'd sell here. I looked for 'em at Harbor Freight.

Last edited by Ptero; 09-30-2010 at 10:35 PM..
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