Originally Posted by Varn
I would agree that Georgi's bikes are anything but laminar flow bodies. Yet they are quite practical vehicles and can be ridden in 20+mph gusty conditions. I have two hanging on my wall (Varna 2, the grandfather of the diablo3 and a Mephisto clone (unfinished)) and have personally witnessed the Varna2 being ridden on a closed course in dust devils at 50+ mph for an endurance race.
Of course Georgi doesn't use any engineering or computers, just what looks good and experience. Georgi has told me that as long as the surface is not wavy then the finish doesn't make that much difference at the speeds that human powered vehicles run. I believe him. He goes out at night with a flashlight to refine the shape of his plugs using tangential lighting looking for waves.
Back to the subject.
I think that the general flow outside the boundary layer ( the 'ideal' or 'inviscid' flow ) is laminar,as with any structure free of 'stall' or 'separation.'