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Old 10-05-2010, 06:38 PM   #7 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: North Central Alabama
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Big Salsa - '04 Toyota Sienna LE

Silver - '10 Toyota Prius III
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I figured out which line was the +12V, and which was the ground, and just hooked the other two up. IT WORKS! Well, the LCD lights up and it gives measurements. At first I had the INJ and VSS backwards, so I swapped them around. Now, the INJ seems to be working correctly, giving around .2 gallons per hour at idle (warmed up), but the VSS has something screwy. It reads around 15mph when parked with the engine on, and will go up if I rev the engine... The MPGuino also will not go to sleep. Is it possible that the VSS and INJ lines are touching? I haven't been able to locate anything that is off nominal... Also, this may be unrelated (or standard), but the LCD seems to flicker, having waves running down it. Is is possible I still have wires hooked up incorrectly?
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