After looking at another thread on the subject of coasting, it sounds like DFCO only works when the car is at operating temperature. The descent is from my driveway, first thing in the morning, so I'd guess with an operating temperature of 50F when I start and barely getting up to operating temperature 5 miles into the descent, I wouldn't reap the benefits. Does that sound correct? I'm still planning on putting the Scangauge to work testing out different techniques.
I did have one bad commute on this tank, but I'm definitely noticing that simply coasting in neutral whereever I can is really making a difference. A month ago I had a Yakima bike rack on top and was content with 29mpg. Now I'm craving 34 on this tank and dreaming of 45+ with mods and more nut behind the wheel adjustment. I think I have a new addiction. Thanks for the crack guys. ;-)