Originally Posted by Sularus
it still boils down to the lack of proper penalties for irresponsibility while driving in the US. Most people who drive properly and obey MOST laws are the ones we don't need to worry about. It is the people who don't abide by MOST laws and do what they want who are the reason insurance rates go up, fatality statistics go up, and the reason I have to participate in stupid drive safe programs in the military even though I haven't even seen flashing lights in my rear view mirror in 8 years.
You mean the same programs you would advocate to the "bad" drivers out there?
My dad used to yell at people when I was in the car with him... "These ass-hats need to learn to eff'ing drive!"
"Who's gonna teach 'em, Dad? You?"
Of course, realizing that he was acting like the very same ass-hats he was yelling at, he would quiet right down.
It boils down to the fact that just because you haven't seen lights in your rear view mirror doesn't mean that you're a good or safe driver. It just means that you're not getting caught, for whatever reason.
I street raced for the first 3 years I had my license, regularly doing in excess of 100+ MPH on highways and public thruways.
NEVER ONCE got caught. So what was your point again?