Thread: Royal purple?
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Old 10-09-2010, 02:26 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Royal purple should not be used

who ever markets and repackages the oils sold as ROYAL PURPLE should answer
the un asked question

which is

Why does NONE of your engine oil show any specifications or testing or certifications that show
that the ROYAL PURPLE oil is any better than Wesson or Mazzola or Olive oil ?

Market UNTESTED oil or OIL that has been tested and FAILED and claim that it is a "superior oil" ? at an extreme price ?

why would anyone in their right mind purchase overpriced oil with zero specifications or test results listed on the RE-packaging ?

have a look at the bottles
have a look at
Castrol GC 0w30 with ACEA A3 B3 - A4 B4
VW Audi 502 505 503.1 - Mercedes Benz 229.1 229.3 229.5 - BMW LL01 specifications
Mobil One 5w30 with GM Dexos 1 and ACEA A1 A5 - B1 B5 specifications

both of the above at lower price than the UNTESTED ROYAL PURPLE

ROYAL PURPLE DOES NOT STATE OR CLAIM that it's oil passes any of the above testing OR specifications .

bottom line
for best results
DO NOT BUY OR USE ROYAL PURPLE OIL for anything except lighting your barbecue .

Last edited by mwebb; 10-09-2010 at 02:31 AM.. Reason: clarify
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