I've recently become very interested in modding my '95 F-150 to become more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. I am trying to see if I can design a wood-gasifier to run it on wood.
Some Background info (skip if you don't like novels

Naturally, the best way to do that is to shy away from fossil fuels completely, and use a free, carbon-neutral energy source. And I just so happen to have an effectively unlimited supply of naturally-deceased trees for free. I say naturally-deceased because I don't see any reason I would ever need to cut down a live tree (not that I would), because lightning alone kills more trees every year than I could use (and to make sure any tree-lovers won't get the wrong impression).
In general (and perhaps absolutely?), any vehicle that can run on gasoline or diesel can run on woodgas with minimal modification (which usually involves a manually operated air/fuel mix box in lieu of a carburetor). Unfortunately, my truck is fuel-injected, which apparently makes things a little more complicated, but I'll worry about that later.
/background info
I've found a couple sites before, but they've either been horribly out-dated, impossible to navigate, or full of nutcases (trying to create cold fusion reactors from match-stick boxes, according to plans they bought online-- you know the type). This place appears to have people with just the right combination of intelligence and rationality.
There are some serious hurdles to overcome, though. And I hope someone here might be able to offer some input or support. Has anyone here ever done this?
Some problems I'll need to solve are:
1. Fuel (wood block) size. This is the primary problem at the moment. It is cheap and easy to cut trees into 1-2' sections, then split (resulting in pieces like so: (http)://realneo.us/system/files/CordofWood.JPG. Unfortunately, gasifier plans I've found online (from the UN and US publications, mostly) are just as bureaucratic as you'd expect: they assume perfectly-shaped cubes of wood from .75" up to 2" (as if wood can be harvested naturally in such form), and make no mention of the effort and energy -- much less methodology -- of getting such perfectly formed fuel chunks out of trees. Since it would take an impractical investment in machinery and fossil fuel to get an otherwise carbon-neutral and free fuel into chuck form, the design must be modified. I want to use hand-split wood of typical length. And, quite frankly, I'm not sure that would be practical either. But, if I can modify the design to allow for that, the only investment would be in chainsaw fuel. A gallon can cut down a couple trees, and 1 cubic yard (of wood) is the equiv of 5 gals of gas. So, that would make my truck go from ~19 mpg to ~500-1000 mpg (fossil fuel/wallet/environmental impact, anyway). There must be a way...
2. general safety issues. Issues include keeping heat away from anything it could hurt, keeping explosive hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases from exploding, keeping poisonous gases safe. There may be more I can't think of atm.
3. Fuel composition. I want to break down as much of the more complex hydrocarbons as possible to reduce harmful tars and other chemicals (and to increase efficiency). I want it to be very clean-burning.
4. Modifying the gasifier to match the fuel consumption requirements of my engine.
5. Getting the gasifier to work with my fuel injection system.
6. There probably is something I've forgotten
I probably have (or have access to) any kind of tool needed for anything that could come up, and I also probably have many of the parts necessary (scrap metal, mostly). The gasifier is basically sitting there, waiting to be designed and built.

I currently spend about $250 per month in gasoline, so cutting that down to more like $5 per month would be veddy veddy nice!
Any thoughts/input/suggestions? Do you think this would be practical, or should I not even bother?
PS: Should I try my hand at building a small wood-gasifier first? I have a gasoline electric generator (to power a home) for which I could design one first. What do you think?
Thanks in advance!