My most practical piece of advice would be to buy a ScanGauge.
The biggest benefit will be from changes in driving habit. It costs nothing and can probably net you several MPG (which should be huge when normal is in the low teens).
A ScanGauge will also allow you to determine the practicality of mods you perform. Most here don't drive large pickup trucks, so techniques can only transfer so far. Your application of mainstream mods will be relatively unique (BigDave and some others drive large trucks), so cost/benefit analysis will have to be a personal task.
You can determine whether the ScanGauge is cost effective by calculating how much you drive/pay @ your current mileage. If you perform the same calculation with a hypothetical mileage you expect the ScanGauge to bring, you can see savings as a function of time. Whenever $150 has been "saved," the ScanGauge will be paid off.
- LostCause