Marketing is designed to create needs. All we really need is shelter, water, food, air, and companionship. Look at Papua New Guinean natives. They live the most basic lives on earth, essentially remaining a stone-age people, and they are content.
Do we need cars? Central A/C? Elaborate clothes? TV? Books? Refrigerators? Jobs? Individualized housing? Healthcare? 401k Plans? Social Security?
Needs and determining the resources required to meet them are tricky subjects. Humans don't need much of anything, but we desire stuff for a better quality of life. The question is, when do our desires overwhelm our common sense? That 4x4 driver needs his truck just as bad as we need our cars. He's defined his quality of life as have we.
I follow in all of your guys' sentiments, but I can't help feeling like a glutton ridiculing another glutton. Our industrialized lifestyles are bigger black holes then we's just that our actions have consequences thousands of miles away.
- LostCause