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Old 10-15-2010, 01:32 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sevenspeed View Post
Thanks for all the tips, I didn't have gauges to know where WOT is yet but I just got my ultra gauge today and will be putting the vacuum gauge in this weekend. So I guess I was doing light throttle to keep it from running rich.
So it's better to accelerate in 4th gear instead of 3rd? Also, I should stay under the vtec range of 4400? I didn't know how to test onramp acceleration since it's so brief.
Warmup is another thing to figure out, I let it idle for 1 minute then drove slowly and the needle hadn't even moved yet to get on the highway. Nowhere to plug in a block heater at work either or I'd get one. I just read there are remote starts that run for 10 minutes every 2 or 3 hours, I'll have to look into that.

WOT is when your foot is on the floor, Wide Open Throttle.

What you are looking for is a high load on the engine for your RPM. In say 4th gear you push the throttle in. There is a point that more throttle does not add more acceleration. At that point you have 100% of load, lift just a little bit off the accelerator and you are pretty close to where you want to be. The point where no more throttle helps is higher as you increase RPM. If that level of acceleration is not getting you up to speed fast enough, time to down shift.

If you are not running the thing hard during the warm up time there is no reason to sit and idle. Just drive to the freeway and unless it is really cold out (10 below or the like) it will be warmed up enough. A block heater for at home will do wonders for mileage. In the fall I get 10-15 mpg difference on my 1 mile drive from my house to my first stop sign (and I coast engine off over half of it).

The 10 min every 2 hours is the worst idea I have ever heard of for an engine, not to mention the fact that over an 10 hour brake in driving you will be getting 0mpg for almost an hour.

Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.

One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.
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