Originally Posted by Nerys
No they are not. not even close.
SURE a brand new SUV is far more expensive than a brand new Econo car but I can afford NEITHER and neither can most people.
when your buying USED. when you price is limited to say $1000 or $2000 suddenly things flip. old gas guzzlers are a LOT cheaper than Econo cars.
An example. I was barely able to afford my metro. $600. thankfully he took payments. Thankfully he let me buy the $1200 in parts it needed through him at cost bringing the price down to around $500 and thankfully I was able to do 100% of the work myself (another $1500 savings AT LEAST)
essentially to the average person this was a nearly $3600 car. (it did need a lot of work but the car is soooo easy to work on and I got the parts so cheap)
To the average person they would not be so lucky. Ever price what a clean rust free metro goes for? $2500 is the current average asking price on craigslist with really clean models commanding quite a bit more.
The people you see driving around in crown vic and old ford explorer's ? most of them DO NOT HAVE $2500 :-)
You are one wacky dude.
I've scored 5 free econocars (vehicles that get 30+ mpg), 1 for $75, 1 for $100, 1 for $350, a Gold Wing for $600, and one on trade for an old mobile home in the last 10 years. I could have had a bunch more besides but I only have so much room and need.