I researched EGR a bit, and I just might be able to use that as part of my fuel system. If possible, it would have the added benefit of not having to drastically alter (as much) under the hood. My first choice would be just to reroute the exhaust back to the exhaust pipes to keep my computer from freaking. (... and to take care of those pesky CO fumes!

) That idea has officially made my list for considerations for where to pipe in my syngas.
The idea of piping the excess syngas into the burn chamber seems to have merit, that's for sure. I'll definitely play with that idea some over the weekend.

It might actually be used in that way to raise burn temps (thus further breakdown of tars), and may yield a higher concentration of combustible gases relative to inerts (like CO2), or at least an increase in effective fuel yield (per volume of dry fuel). If that works, and it wouldn't require a significantly more elaborate air/fuel mix box (or equiv device), then it could very well be a better option than just burning it off.
Regarding the hybrid-type designs... I'll see what I can do. From what I've been able to find so far, it probably won't be practical to design a system that can be switched over rapidly (on the move). It would be more of a backup system. I doubt I'll get to switch it over in less than a couple minutes. That being said, if at all possible, I want to make one where I could switch it all over in less than 10 minutes.
Before undertaking the actual build, I want to be confident that: 1. First and foremost, if the design I end up with doesn't work (or eventually fails, I want to be able to restore my vehicle to the way it was before within a day or two. 2. that I've thought through each part of the system enough that I'm confident there won't be any major hangs when I do build. And 3. ... that the system will actually work.
I still have lots of research to do, though. And, thanks to you guys, my list just keeps getting longer, lol.