My timing is already advanced as much as I can without more severe pinging (or whatever the noise is)
There are very few vac lines in this model year metro and all are good my vac reading is spot on where it should be no flutter.
its not getting more energy input. its getting less and worse this other fuel is interfering with the proper operation of the engine.
this is 10 cars folks (other family members and co workers cars in this number of course). are you seriously trying to tell me ALL TEN of our cars developed some mysterious magical problem thats causing them all to have the EXACT same problem yet this problem. Poof goes away when I stop using ethanol?
are you serious? your logic says it can't be the fuel it must be the cars and my evil hatred for ethanol.
Chicken and Egg folks. I only hated being forced to use ethanol after I saw what it did to my cars.
2 88* cherokee's
1 96* Plymouth Voyager
2 94* Chevy Lumina APV's
1 98 F150
1 94 Geo Metro
1 98* Ford Windstar
1 99* Kia Sophia
1 92* Clubwagon
BTW the stars? yeah all of those cars every one of them that are Starred? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM needed a new fuel pump within 6-9 months of switching to E10.
do you have any idea how much those damned things cost?
In nearly 1 million miles driven I have NEVER had to replace a fuel pump until ethanol and my father 58 years old can not remember EVER having to replace a fuel pump till ethanol.
THANK GOD We were able to do the work ourselves or we would have half a dozen DEAD cars sitting around we could not afford to repair!
all because of ethanol. at least the replacement pumps are new enough that they are designed to tolerate ethanol. Except I think I got OLD STOCK for my clubwagon ($140 god damned dollars for that pump) since the pump is starting to make noise again same as it did when we switched to ethanol and it died the first time.
I checked too the METRO has had its pump replaced too its not the original pump in their. Its brand new.
You think its my cars? THEN FINE give me something to check that will effect EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE CARS but ONLY while on E10.
I dumped 5+ year old pre E10 gas into my cherokee a few years ago and its mileage on this old stale E0 Gas went RIGHT BACK to 22mpg where it should be.
Only had enough gas in the RV (where I got the E0 from) for 2 fills then had to go back to pumped gas e10 right back to 14-15mpg (this was before I started driving it more carefully and much slower and managed to get 19mpg out of it on E10)
why when we were first starting the transition to E10 was I able to consistently always RETURN to 19mpg in the Clubwagon when I got E0 gas. on E10 I get 13mpg. Why when I drive out of state and happen upon E0 does my van "suddenly" start getting its normal 19mpg again? when I return home and have to fill up once again 13mpg on that next tank.
Let me guess shadetree. Your professional opinion is all 10 of these cars have some miraculous vac line leak that ONLY rears its head when using E10? and yet none throw a code?
Occam's Razor. all things being equal the simplest answer is usually the correct one.
in fact the ONLY car in our fleet that appears to be not effected so badly by E10 is my pops 96 Towncar. I attribute that to its much higher quality higher performance engine than out other vehicles. While he gets 21-22 mpg with it I am able to get 23-24 which it only 2-3 mpg shy of the 25-26 I could get with his past 96 era town cars.
although he is STILL on the losing side of that equation even with the town car. 20 gallons of E10 gets him 440 miles while 18 gallons (remove the 2 gallons of Ethanol) E0 gets him 450 miles.
thats with only a 3mpg difference. I just might have to borrow his far for a couple weeks once he gets his windstar back and "test" that more carefully.
I checked this post. I was accused of "cussing" alas I could not find any cussing in my post. If I missed something please enlighten me and I will edit it out. What do you define as cussing and if reasonable I will endeavor to stop using whatever words offend you.
Last edited by Nerys; 10-18-2010 at 11:24 AM..