Originally Posted by Thymeclock
If you are going to drive slow, do it in the rightmost lane and stay there. Don't worry about tailgaters if you are in the slow lane. Anyone who wants to pass you has the opportunity to do it safely and legally. The only exception is driving below 45 MPH on an interstate highway. It's just common sense. Driving too slow can be just as hazardous as driving too fast.
Maybe you missed my point. It's me, and them. I can stay where I am, or move over and encourage them to pass. It's like approaching a red light (also would be gliding) in the right lane and looking in my mirror and seeing the person behind me has their turn signal on. If possible, I'll move into the center lane. I don't worry about tailgaters, I worry about everyone, since many of them are drunk. Anything to make distance between me and other drivers is a good thing.