Originally Posted by Duffman
If I wanted to get my new laundry detergent on the shelves of Walmart, I simply make an appointment with their HQ to set up a meeting with one of their Buyers. I go and make a presentation, if they like the product and it fits within their store strategy, they invite me back and we negotiate price and quantity and it’s on their store shelves. Most other companies operate in the same manner, I don’t need to advertise my product to get it on the shelves in the store although it might certainly help in the negotiation process.
What you just described is exactly the job of a marketer.... Most (approaching every) company works just like this.
This, again, is why I don't have a problem with marketing. I want my product on the grocery store shelf - I need to market it.
Promotion is a part of marketing - but far from the definition.