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Old 10-19-2010, 10:49 AM   #265 (permalink)
Grrr :-)
Nerys's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Levittown PA
Posts: 800

Cherokee - '88 Jeep Cherokee
90 day: 19.44 mpg (US)

Ryo-Ohki - '94 Geo Metro Xfi
90 day: 50.15 mpg (US)

Vger 2 - '00 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE

Ninja - '89 Geo Tracker
90 day: 30.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 12
Thanked 31 Times in 25 Posts
"We tried but you refuse to accept our advice.
Reread this long thread and see what you missed, or chose to ignore."

You know everything you point out I counter with correct info. You say carbon. My engine is clean. You say low compression my compression is perfect. You say vac leak I test and find No leak No flutter perfect vac.

Or do you simply ignore my results because they do not concur with your preconcieved results?

JUST IN CASE I will in fact rereard this entire thread from post #1 just in case I did in fact mis something else I could test or try. I am far from above saying I missed nothing its a big thread.

"Brazil went to high concentrations of ethanol after the first energy crises."

?? so what? they run flex fuel and they use sugar cane a far far more efficient source of ethanol than corn.

"Get a diesel. Got to be cheaper than paying insurance, taxes and maintenance on 10 vehicles."

Why do people ignore points I state and then bring up irrelevant minutia?

I will explain this once and then ignore further comments on it not to be mean but to simple let this post stand on its own.

Half the cars in that 10 ARE NOT MY CARS. I was pretty clear this was family and coworkers cars. I love how people ignore that so they can divert the conversation to some sort of insult.

I like cars. Call it a hobby. My first car was a 88 Cherokee. Its my daily driver/ toy / hauler do anything vehicle.

Today I could not get $500 for it. The tires alone cost me $700 so I am never going to sell it. I keep it because I like it. You will notice I have been saying 496k miles for a while now. thats because I don't drive it very much.

Skipping vehicles I got rid of over the years next up is my Thing. Its my classic hobby car. I just love the car. I have not driven it in years (frakked the tranny) finally got a new tranny I hope to have my Thing running again in the spring. I have considered selling it a few times (I could probable get $4k for it with the tranny installed) but I just love the thing so much.

I got a minivan. 96 Voyager. Scored it for $2500 and was able to make payments. I LOVED IT. 4 door (2 sliders) lots of room and SO comfortable to drive (one of the few minivans with enough HEAD ROOM for my 6.3" frame) and it got amazing fuel economy. I was getting 28mpg from day one.

It however was limited by its 4 speed tranny so 28mpg was all I ever got out of it (I have NO doubt with a proper tranny this thing could get 32+ mpg) that little 3.0 V6 is a nice little engine.

Alas it dumped to 19mpg with E10. 20mpg if I drove carefully (previously I did not have to "drive special" to get 28mpg.

Then I fraked the tranny in that one too. It still drives fine still gets 19-20mpg but I have to play with the acc to get it to shift through the gears so I stopped driving it till I can get a tranny for it OR convert it to diesel (yeah in my dreams) I don't want it to die alltogether and become immobile. PLUS at 19mpg I just don't want to fuel it.

Later I got the 92 Clubwagon. MAN you want to talk about a score. CHERRY van not a scratch on it (boy does it have scratches now long story for another thread) it only got 19mpg but the PURPOSE of this van was for vacations and trips. it was never intended to be a daily driver.

This was my baby for my trips. Seat up nice and high with over a FIST of space between my head and the ceiling and my legs sat at a natural 90/90 in this van. When your big and tall this is critical for long distance driving. I COULD NEVER tolerate a 1700 mile trip in the metro. in the Clubwagon its a pleasure.

I could also put 7 people AND all their cargo in the van plus tow 10,000 pounds if I want.

If I could afford to make this van my daily driver I would say SCREW FE and drive the van JUST because of how insanely comfortable it is to drive the van. Its like a Rolls Royce inside a VAN shell.

It only gets driven when I need tow something heavy or go on vacation/long trip.

I tend to buy cars in PAIRS. when you buy old cars its nice to have backup. I bought another 88 cherokee to be a "donor" to my first cherokee. at 485,000 miles I took the virgin engine out of the second 88 cherokee with only 119k on the clock and did a mild rebuild and install this engine into my original 88. So the new 88 is no longer driven (no engine) I am keeping it to eventually cut it in half and make a "cherokee trailer" for my cherokee.

I had TWO VW things a 73 and a 74 alas when I had a mechanic take the tranny out of the 73 to put in the 74 the moron CUT the damned frame to do it instead of calling me at which point I would said screw it an ordered the $130 fraking tranny online. *******. I hate that guys guys will never have him do work on my cars again. I sold the 73 shell later down the road still have the 74.

Thats it.

The 94 APV and the 98 Windstar and 96 Towncar belong to my father

The other 94 APV belongs to my mother.

The 99 Kia belongs to a co worker

The 98 F-150 belongs to my brother (he no longer has it)

last November I got the 94 metro because I had been SEEKING a 50mpg car and it was in my price range and I could make payments.

I HAD 2 300D's the year before. a 75 300D and a 76 300D got the 76 for $1200 ready to run got the 75 300D for $400 (lots of body rust needed brakes and glow plugs but otherwise very nice mechanically) (again I tend to buy PAIRS of cars)

Eventually I got rid of those as they maxed out at 35mpg which was not enough for my wants. traded the 76 for a 82 goldwing and traded the 75 for a working running boat with trailer and all titles.

Why? because I can. Out family business gives me the storage space to allow me to do this. So I can drive the specific vehicle best suited for the demands I will place on it.

I do not insure them all that would be nuts. I keep 2 insured. The metro The Van in case I need to tow or move something OR the metro breaks down etc..

The rest I keep in "winter storage" insurance for $30 a year that I can "activate" with a simple phone call if I need to drive them.

I pay $461 a YEAR for insurance. plus $78 for the motorcycle.

Does that more clearly explain my "many cars" situation?

"My buddy used to race go-karts with highly modified B&S motors, using pure alcohol. He told me something that I remember. The engine was actually just warm to the touch after the race but the exhaust would burn you badly.

That's the different combustion characteristics you describe."

granted I am by no means an expert at this but it sounds to me like that is NOT very efficient. blowing energy heating up the exhaust?? but then again I guess he is going for PE not FE so it does not matter.

"If you insist on driving cars that were not designed for ethanol, even in small percentages, then you will have to make changes in their fuel delivery systems to accommodate the ethanol."

I did not insist on driving cars not designed for ethanol.

My lovely GOVERNMENT insisted on shoving ethanol down my throat against my will. all my cars existed BEFORE the ethanol.

How dare you to expect me to go "buy a new car" just to run on ethanol? your kidding right? even if I was stupid enough to spend the money on the "newer car" that runs better on ethanol it will still get WORSE FE than my Metro does ON ETHANOL.

so again WHY would I bother?

"In Virginia when the change happened (100% switch over) the gas stations had to close down and have their storage tanks flushed to remove the accumulated garbage from decades of leaded, the unleaded gasoline. Ethanol, once the transition was complete virtually eliminated fuel filter replacement here.

Maybe where you live they tried to do it the cheap way, and caused all of your fuel pump problems, flushing the garbage into the customers cars."

oh hell no they did not do that here. they just started pumping it. I do not recall one single station shutting down for any reason during the switchover (which took over 4 months I might add)

"Bottom line, here is was totally obvious to everyone when it happened and clearly identified on every pump. We did have some problems with higher concentrations of ethanol, in one case 18% or more."

Not here. in fact I could tell when a gas station "switched" long before they "got around" to putting the stickers on the pump. My FE tanked.

I even asked the guy HEY when did you switch to E10? he said how did you know that? I said cause I am getting 13mpg again. I said please get the stickers on the pump (this was before I found out ALL were going to E10 no matter what)

"I am easily beating EPA on our mix here, in my two bikes."

new epa or old epa? I bet your getting no where near OLD epa.

"I tend to work to find solutions to problems, and don't see any progress to that goal with endless caustic argumentative postings."

I only got caustic when people got caustic to me. It tends to work that way. When your (not you specifically) nasty to someone they TEND to get nasty in return. Its a human nature thing. I am trying to find a solution but you guys either tell me its my engine and then won't tell me how to fix it or say I did it wrong or call me a liar.

"You have the information to make decisions to solve your problem. As they say around here "use it or lose it"."

I will re read the thread again. I do not recall seeing anything that I did not already remove as a possibility but I could have missed something.

Here is what I can say with 100% certainty.

Compression is perfectly fine HIGH and EVEN across all cylinders.
I get 185 across all cylinders. Rated "brand new" engine compression is max 205 IIRC)
Even the manufacturer will not touch one unless its below 155.

Vac is perfect 19/20" with No Flutter

EGR is clear clean and working properly

The engine receives a complete quality tune up yearly. I change the oil every 3-4k and use 5w30 quality oil (not synthetic yet)

The computer throws no codes

The fact that I AM getting 50mpg attests to the proper running condition of the engine. It never gets hot it never does anything "hinky"

What else do you want me to check/replace/test/alter?