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Old 10-21-2010, 09:54 PM   #57 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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For your Consideration

This is good discussion, one that I have thought about more recently. I want to throw out my numbers and see what you guys have to say. I currently have two primary vehicles that I have used since I purchased them in May and June of 2008. I have a 1995 Honda Civic LX 5spd and a 2008 Honda Ruckus 50cc scooter. I have kept track of every gallon I have put in both vehicles over this time and have good records of all my expenses, ie gas, maintenance, registration, insurance and accessories. These are my ACTUAL numbers, not any nation wide averages, like the numbers being thrown around.

Civic Ruckus


Starting Milage 157821 0
Current Milage 179098 6106.3

Purchase $1,500.00 $2,591.00
Insurance $1,638.22 $299.96
Maintenance $1,389.71 $120.84
Registration $219.00 $165.00
Accessory $113.51 $460.35

Gas Expense
2008 $717.33 $95.49
2009 $341.04 $46.88
2010 $429.23 $49.70

Total Gallons 552.971 66.167
Total Milage 21277 6106.30
Total Expense $6,348.04 $3,829.22

Cost Per Mile $0.30 $0.63
Average MPG 38.5 92.3

Sorry for the format I couldn't get it to space things out, I also attached a picture of the data.

As far as average speed goes, I know I average 30mph on the scooter because a few of the longer trips I have taken on it. I also drove a car today, not my civic, on a 200+ mile round trip and the trip computer said average speed was 45mph.

So here is my question, should I drive the car and get half the mileage of the scooter but at half the price, or should I ride the scooter and get double the mileage at double the cost?

I bought the scooter to save on gas but with these numbers it doesn't seem justified.
Attached Thumbnails
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