I had to meet someone tonight on short notice, and that gave the opportunity to try the extension on a "normal" 55 mph highway, not the usual old-and-crusty backroads that I take to/from work.
Traffic flow on this particular road ranged from 55 to 62 or so, and there were 3% or so grade hills that I was driving over. Also the wind was blowing about 5 mph and I was driving almost straight into it.
Was surprised me most was that last year I drove this road on several occasions, and both times 4th gear was used to get over the steep grades. Fifth year was simply not possible and still keep up with traffic.
Tonight, no shifting to 4th was necessary, as fifth gear had enough power to make the hills, while traveling into the wind and going about 61 mph or so at times.
The extension really has made a difference. And for those wanting hard numbers, yes, another coast-down was done today! I do these in the morning run to work, as the air on average, is the most still compared to night-time.