bestclimb, the calcs assume braking. The calcs look at a change from 0 to 60 kph and assume no coast down which is probably fairly close to how "normal" drivers drive. However hypermillers are likely to see stop lights far ahead and take the power off and maybe even coast in neutral in which case the example calcs are probably not realistic for them.
If you coast down and you want to calculate the theoretical efficiency gain of weight reduction you can go through the calculation process again but just evaluate the change in speed from breaking only as this is the wasted energy your actually interested in.
Note: There is another thing hypermillers may be interested in, more weight in the car means longer gliding for pulse and glide driving therefore the calculations in these pages do not account for benefits from longer gliding.
SentraSE-R thanks for posting your trip info, the data is very interesting. Even though there is too much error in the numbers sounds like a great trip and at the very least it shows weight reduction works well for you.