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Old 10-26-2010, 03:33 AM   #8 (permalink)
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bugler - '91 Mazda 626
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zerohour, agreed. the calcs are only a guide they will never be a perfect substitute for real test data so until we have test data the calcs might be a good guide for some people. With any simulation or calculations people using them need to know what assumptions have been used and what information isn't accounted for which is why i put the process of calculating into the wiki rather than giving a set of numbers.

Having said all that a general sanity check on the calculation results suggests they are a good guess. I have not seen anyone give proper test data on here for weight reduction implying that the improvements are small. From what i have seen anything above 5% is easy to see, anything below 1% we dont usually see test results for because its too hard to see the result from the noise. I have also reduced weight myself and not noticed any improvement over the noise

Regarding the calculations lacking factors effecting efficiency, if anyone can identify anything major im happy to modify the calcs to take them into account. However kinetic friction will be a small effect as it is a small weight change on a small contributor to efficiency, weight has 0 effect on aero drag, weight has 0 effect on inertia (for the purpose of these calculations).
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