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Old 10-28-2010, 06:25 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
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bugler - '91 Mazda 626
90 day: 35.89 mpg (US)
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Thanked 25 Times in 22 Posts
cr45 i agree the influence on weight for P&G would be interesting to find out. If your particularly interested there is a thread on the calculator so you could either ask that the function you mention be included in the calculator or you could work it out yourself using the equations.

robert, i haven't seen any posts on any threads mentioning percentage of braking however as a general estimate for myself i rarely get to a stop light without having to use the brakes at around 40kph mostly because other drivers get annoyed if you slowly coast down to a stop light and some other reasons.
I have the ability to log my speed and instantanious fuel usage, if your after some data i can log that info on my standard trip to work and hopefully will be able to spot where braking is occuring. Let me know if you want me to post this info and will
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