I know this is insignificant but...
I'm 'retiring' from this debate at this point. Not because I don't believe in my position (which is of the "I don't know" strand of skepticism - aka the largest strand) but rather because I don't want to continue in this particular argument in this forum. I don't believe it adds any value to EM.
I believe most people come to, and contribute to, EM for the best reasons to themselves, mainly those are -
- AGW, I want to reduce my carbon footprint
- Political - I want to rely less of 'foreign oil' (depends where you live)
- Financial - I want to spend less
- Science - I want to be more efficient / waste less.
I have respect for all of those even if they are not my own.
I am 'retiring' because I just don't want to get into an argument over this and 'fall out' with lots of (internet) people I have come to respect, like Neil - I do read his posts and his threads a lot, I have even been known to visit his blog.
I don't agree with him over AGW but I will still watch his threads and his posts here with interest, especially the CarBEN project.
In the interests of balance with the original post I would recommend some other books like AW Mountford's "The Hockey Stick Illusion" or indeed Ian Plimer's "Heaven and Earth" for a balanced view alongside "Eaarth" (which I have only started reading). Yes I read both sides.
So with that, peace and Cheers everyone.