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Old 10-31-2010, 08:11 PM   #159 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: South Of Chicago
Posts: 127

Aveo - '08 Chevolet Aveo LS
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This may be true, but if you drop in a capacitor for burst differences, and used that for first accessed storage and first charged storage instead of batteries, it would be drastically better. Capacitor AND batteries would be nessessary.

A simply better option would be a stirling heat differential electric generator.
2 FWD electic motor, 40mile battery, and some capacitors would be nessessary.
You take a closed system heat differential generator, with the heatsource being a small leanburn turbo diesel (1L 2 cylinder). (Yes I know turbo is a LOT of boost for a 2 cylinder, and a 2 cylinder doesn't have a lot of exhaust)
You take the intercooler on the turbochargers, and run it past a part of the heated side of the heat differential motor. The other part of the heated side you have replace the standard radiator. Thermally insulate the intercooler and the radiator that is heating the warmed side from the outside world. On the cooled side of the heat differential motor, you would want to run past a standard frontal radiator, and under the non exhaust parts of the underbody of the car, have white or silver alluminum sheets that are thermally linked to the cool side. Small (1inch) alluminum fins running along the underbody parallel to the car's motion could aid that even further.
Wheelwell covers, insightwheels, and kammback could help further.
That way there is lots, and I mean lots of heat dissipation on that section for the heat differential motor.
Optimal exhaust setup would be leave engine, turbo, catalytic converter, down the line, another small turbine with a small alternator at muffler location optionally (use venturi effect to increase velocity for this purpose)(not sure how well this would work), then out the back.

The power sources would go as follows
Electric regeneration, turbo diesel generator, and then heat-recapture on exhaust (intercooler is heated by turbo which is powered by exhaust), and cooling system via heat differential motor.
Propulsion would be all 1:1ratio electric, FWD (awd luxary).

The reason this is drastically better than the volt is heat recapture.
Without a heavy liquid filled transmission, or powertrain, the engine compartment has a lot more room. That room can easily fit a secondary heat differential motor.
If I remember right at one point mazda tried making a stirling powered truck, but due to how the engine works, even though it had lots of power, the RPMs raised too slowly.
It takes about a minute for a stirling engine to even turn on due to warmup phase.

I may be wrong, it was just an idea.

Just think about what happens to weight and space when you take out the flywheel, transmission, powertrain, run a tiny motor, and recapture the heat as electricity, along with making proper aeromods.
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