Originally Posted by rav
you will probably not even notice any difference in mpg without the wheel covers.
If there the typical plastic rim covers... there would be no change at all. Even if they were cracked and jagged and catching air, the change would be absolutely minimal, maybe less than a half of a quarter of a percent.
Now that being said, you could with some epoxy and pizza pans convert your cracked plastic ones into make shift areo-rims. That is, if the plastic itself is cracked, and not the ring that it clips onto the rim with. I cant remember which person it was, but there is a thread about making a set of aero rims that way.
Good luck with the aveo, its not exactly a high fuel economy car to begin with.
Current Mods: Deleted mudflaps, Denso TT plugs, Synthetic blend motor oil
Future: Aero rim covers, air dam, grill block, full synthetic oil, synthetic transmission oil, reas wheel skirts, partial camback